
The affiliate disclosure statement covers both and

Your trust matters!

Clicking links on this site might earn me a little something, but it won’t cost you extra.

I only recommend tech and productivity tools I genuinely use and believe in.

Your support helps keep this blog running.

Transparency is key, and I’m committed to keeping it real.

If you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to reach out.

Thanks for being part of this community! – Esme

Here’s the full affiliate disclosure.

The anti-slavery policy statement covers both and The policy emphasizes a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and commits to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings. It also expects high standards from contractors, suppliers, and business partners. The policy outlines responsibilities, compliance measures, communication, awareness, and consequences for policy breaches.

You can find my full Anti-Slavery Policy here.

Esme Crutchley’s Data Protection Policy ensures that personal data is lawfully acquired and processed transparently. The policy protects various types of data collected with consent, and it is only processed under specific conditions. The company collects and uses data for explicit purposes, ensuring it is adequate and accurate. Measures are taken to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the data, and it may be disclosed to authorized parties. Individuals have rights regarding their data, and in case of a breach, appropriate actions will be taken.

You can read the full Data Protection Policy here.

Esme Crutchley is dedicated to promoting equal opportunities in employment and maintaining a discrimination-free workplace. The policy ensures fair treatment of all job applicants and employees, regardless of race, gender, disability, or other factors. Esme Crutchley will monitor its practices to remove any barriers to equal opportunities and provide training to ensure compliance with the policy. The company will promptly address any allegations of discrimination or harassment and regularly review the policy for effectiveness. This policy applies to both and

You can read the full Equal Opportunities Policy here.

This privacy policy applies to the websites and It explains how Esme Crutchley collects, uses, and shares information. The policy covers the collection of information directly from users, as well as information collected passively through browsers or devices. The information collected may include personal details, device information, and usage data. Esme Crutchley uses this information for various purposes, such as providing and improving services, fundraising, and analytics. The policy also outlines the circumstances in which information may be disclosed to third parties. Users have certain rights regarding their information and can unsubscribe from marketing emails or update their account preferences. The policy also addresses international transfers, security measures, and the protection of children’s information.

You can read the full Privacy Policy here.

This terms and conditions document applies to both and By using these websites, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined in this document. The document covers various aspects such as intellectual property rights, acceptable use, cookies, linking and hyperlinking rights, user content, privacy policy, disclaimers, warranties, limitation of liabilities, indemnification, termination, and general provisions. If you have any complaints or need clarification, you can contact he***@es***********.com .

You can read the full Terms and Conditions here.

This website disclaimer covers both and The disclaimer states that the information on the websites is for general information and educational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. The websites are provided on an “as is” basis and the owners will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the websites. The disclaimer also mentions that external links to third-party websites are provided for convenience and do not imply endorsement. Users are advised to consult professionals and review privacy policies before engaging in any transactions.

You can read the full Website Disclaimer here.

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