What's Going On?

This is a now page. A place to share a little about what’s going on and what I’m focusing on this month, just in case you wanna know!

December 2023 Plans

We’re starting to wind down for the holidays now, but there are some super exciting client projects happening that will be released in January 2024!

It’s all very exciting and I’m honored to be involved in the behind-the-scenes of these projects.

The website has now been moved, and after a few teething problems, we’re away to the races! It’s still not loading properly, and it’s not the fastest thing ever, so there’s still a lot of work to do to get it so that Google doesn’t hate it, but it’s there!

Last month (during Black Friday), I bought Teachable and Tailwind, so expect courses & coaching and freebies to come pretty soon!

I didn’t realize that having a new boiler in the summer would make such a difference in the winter, but boy, it’s lovely and toasty here!

We’re all cozy here, so there are no updates on the garden or anything like that, because most of the time, it’s covered in frost!

November 2023 Plans

We have exciting client projects happening for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and I’m involved in the background of those. Not that I’m excited about that at all! Some of our clients are already working on their January launches, and it’s great to see the creativity and ingenuity that our clients have.

The packages, courses and retreats are just gorgeous and I’m honored that I can be involved in them.

WordPress should be launched in December, which is very exciting!

I’m hoping once that’s all done I can go back to weekly articles and newsletters, which have been neglected completed in September and October!

There are a couple of things that I might buy in Black Friday/Cyber Monday, but it depends on their pricing and what discount they’re offering for new customers for the first year. I’m not putting pressure on myself, to get new programs, but if the incentives are good, there’s no point in waiting!

All is groovy at home, nothing really to report here!

October 2023 Plans

Work is amazing, as always!

We’re building out new service packages for the nerdy side we love to do, which is going to be wonderful!

After writing a post about hating WordPress, I appear to be building my website in WordPress! It’s all down to the builder for me. It would appear that I don’t hate WordPress if I’m using Elementor!

We’re prepping for the UK winter now, and hoping that the new boiler and thermostat work (we’ve not had one in this house before!).

September 2023 Plans

I’ve been promoted and I now oversee all the contractors.

We have lots of new client projects right now, which is very exciting!

We’re working on behind-the-scenes stuff as well, which I can’t wait to share with you all!

The rebrand is now 100% finished.

I’ve booked in for a brand photo shoot pre-shoot, to see if I like the photographer and how she takes and edits pictures, which will tell us if we can work together or not.

The newsletter is growing a little bit, which is amazing.

I have more ideas for articles than I know what to do with!

Just when we thought we were over the worst, the dishwasher is leaking. We think it might be because the cold water pressure in the house has been increased, so that needs to be investigated.

We’ve had new taps (faucets) fitted everywhere, and they’re very sparkly! And they don’t drip, which is kinda important in a tap!

August 2023 Plans

I’m loving the behind the scenes work that I’m doing at work right now.

Lots of interesting services we’re working on offering, so much fun!

I’m supporting a new client, and their work is wonderful and should be seen by everyone!

I’ve totally rewritten the Systems and Glitter sign-up page for my newsletter.

It’s a lot tighter now, which, let’s be honest, is totally different from my weekly newsletters, which are long, and for that I make no apologies!

We have a new boiler now, we’re just waiting for new taps on the bath, bathroom sink, and kitchen sink.

The dining room needs sorting out now we’ve moved it around, but it is a lot bigger and better organized so it shouldn’t take too long to sort it out!

Update on August 20, 2023 – Looks like I’ve completed the rebrand for both Esme Crutchley, and Systems and Glitter. The website have been totally rewritten, my home page on this site has been rewritten, but I need new brand photos done before I can upload the copy. Everything is moving in the right direction, and it’s all feeling a lot better now! It’s amazing how much of a difference a single image can make. There are rumblings about moving from Squarespace to WordPress, but I really can’t see that happening if I’m being honest!

Update on August 12, 2023 – It appears I’m having another rebrand, 2 in as many months. The good thing with this one is that it works the same for both my brands. That means it’s totally cohesive across all websites and socials, and because they all match, it’s much easier to create socials!


To keep my website running at a decent speed, all Monthly Plans and Updates that are older than six months are on my Now Archive page in Notion. Should the mood take you, feel free to head over there!