
Esme Crutchley

Technical VA | Notion OBM | Systems Nerd

Esme is a systems nerd passionate about optimizing efficiency through effective documentation, systems design, and project management. With an educational background in English Literature, Philosophy, and Psychology and a professional background in operations management and systems architecture, she supports clients by designing and implementing holistic systems that allow them to do their best work.

She writes extensive educational content on productivity and tools, designs Notion templates and courses, and has an engaged newsletter list.

Expertise & Skills


  • Project Management
  • Systems Design & Implementation
  • Notion Building & Maintenance
  • ClickUp Building & Maintenance
  • Content Creation & Copywriting
  • Digital Marketing & Management


  • Organization
  • Planning
  • Audits & automations
  • Creativity
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem-solving


  • Make + Zapier
  • Notion, ClickUp, Asana, Airtable
  • Canva
  • Elementor (WordPress)
  • Squarespace
  • ConvertKit

Current Roles

Writing technical articles for websites on Notion and other tools through guest posts with technical knowledge and passion.

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Supporting our CEO in all aspects of running a media agency including; contractor supervision, automation, strategy and tactics, project planning and pitching, social media creation, planning and monitoring, writing articles, and creating systems that underpin everything and allow us to know the movement of all pieces under out control efficiently.

Supporting our clients through; copywriting, graphic design, social media tactics, planning, scheduling and monitoring, website updates, newsletter design, distribution and tracking, SEO, customer acquisition & retention, podcast management, project & task planning & management, and community management.

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The Rootvik Agency, 2020 – Present

Supporting Mason personally, and Plot Point Insights professionally through Notion building and maintenance. Developing and implementing systems.

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Mason Aid | Plot Point Insights, 2020 – Present

Supporting Curtis personally and the Disability Enabling Network (DEN) professionally, in their discovery and implementation of project and task management systems, and note-taking applications. Giving tool recommendations and training.

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Curtis Maxwell | DEN, 2019 – Present

Digital Educator: Sharing as much knowledge as I can, in as many ways as I can.

Extensive content on tools, tech, and tactics through a solopreneur’s lens. Monthly articles and newsletters. Daily social media posts covering productivity and tools, including Notion. Notion templates, how-tos, walk-throughs, and cheat sheets.

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Esme Crutchley | Systems & Glitter, 2011 – Present

Education & Certificates


Rootvik Agency Logo
Amy Rootvik (She/Her)
CEO, The Rootvik Agency

Making Business Better

PlotPoint Insights Logo
Mason Aid (they/them)
CEO, PlotPoint Insights

Turn Insights into Action

Contact Esme