Content Strategy & SEO Resources

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In the life of an entrepreneur, there’s no shortage of tasks to juggle, fires to put out, and dreams to chase. And at the heart of it all? Content. It’s the pulse of your digital presence, the voice of your brand, and the magnet that pulls your audience in. But let’s be real: managing content can feel like wrangling wildcats. Enter this resource hub. Whether you’re diving into knowledge management, finessing your social media strategy, or figuring out if Notion is your jam, we’ve got you. From tools to tactics, let’s ensure every piece of your content doesn’t just exist but excels.

Content Management

When you’re an entrepreneur, you’re not just managing a business, but a brand narrative. Content management isn’t about the what; it’s about the how and the why. Every article, every image, and every tweet is a brushstroke in the masterpiece that is your brand’s story. Whether you’re crafting blog posts, e-books, or social media snippets, a solid content management system can streamline that story-building process. Let’s make sure every piece of content doesn’t just sit there but actively propels your vision forward.

Content Management - woman holding a mug that says "like a boss"

Knowledge Management

We’ve all been there – stumbling upon a game-changing insight one moment and then… poof, it’s gone. Enter the realm of knowledge management. In the entrepreneurial world, we’re constantly bombarded with information, insights, and new strategies. But here’s the thing: Business Knowledge Management (BKM) and Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) aren’t always the same beast. While BKM focuses on streamlining operations and decision-making processes, PKM zeroes in on personal growth and continuous learning. Should they mingle or stay in separate lanes? Let’s explore how to structure a system that captures every insight, whether it’s fueling your business journey or supporting your personal growth.

Content Management - Knowledge Management

Obsidian Resources

  • Nicole van der Houven’s YouTube Channel. I love too many of her videos to list them individually! Start where you need help is the best idea, she’s probably got a video or two to help where you’re stuck!
  • My Twitter conversation regarding asking people’s opinion on whether to use Daily Notes in Obsidian or not. It got a little bit polarized!
  • Eleanor Konik’s blog post on what she uses in place of daily notes in Obsidian. Which I  found really helpful because daily notes aren’t for me either!

Organization & Automation

Every entrepreneur knows that organization isn’t about having neat files; it’s about having a clear head. Between PARA, GTD, Johnny Decimal, and countless other systems, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But it’s not about the system; it’s about what works for you. And then there’s automation. Yes, it might feel like giving up control, but think about it: if automating a task frees you up to do what you love and grow your brand, isn’t it worth it? It’s all about smart delegation, even to machines.

Content Management - Organization & Automation

Social Media Management

Let’s be real; social media isn’t just for fun memes and cat videos. It’s the digital frontier where brands are built and tested daily. From scheduling posts to analyzing what works, effective social media management can be the difference between shouting into the void and having engaging conversations. But it’s more than just tools and schedulers. It’s about strategy, about knowing where to post what and when. It’s about understanding that a ‘like’ isn’t just a like—it’s a connection.

Image of a wall with the social media slogan "we like you too"

Social Media Schedulers

As much as we’d love to be in all the places at once, and be able to post the right thing at the right time on all the different platforms, it’s not possible, even with a team, it’s hard. Unless you’re on Gary Vee’s level, posting a million things a day on 147 platforms, you need a bit of help!

This is where social media schedulers save the day! There are a few that everyone knows about, like Buffer, Later, and Hootsuite, but there are some that I (personally) feel are the crème de la crème.

I’ve used Metricool* [advert] for a while now, as does the Agency. As you would expect, the social media metrics on it are really impressive. But I also love SmarterQueue and it’s very intuitive auto post lists. It is a little expensive though.

Stock Images for Socials

We all know about Unsplash, but here are some that you might not know about!

Caveat – make sure that you can use images for commercial purposes, especially if you’re planning on using them to promote a product on Pinterest.

  • [Ad] Creative Fabrica* is a subscription service that offers everything from images to fonts. Everything included in your subscription is commercially licensed. They also have paid elements, which don’t have a commercial license, so make sure to check first.
  • Creative Market
  • FreeStock – make sure you’re on their Collections page, not the homepage as that’s full of ShutterStock, which is paid
  • [Ad] Ivory Mix* is a subscription service offering not only stock images, but also monthly captions and PLR items
  • Kaboom Pics – free (all commercial) side note, if you like an image and click on it, it’ll bring up the rest of the photoshoot images, great for cohesive graphics
  • Pexels – free
  • Pixabay – free
  • Unsplash – free & paid
  • YayImages – free & paid, but very reasonable paid plan

Social Media Platforms

Social platforms? Think of them as different party rooms. Instagram’s where everyone’s sharing cool photos by the punch bowl. X/Twitter’s that fast-talking corner where you need to jump in quick. And LinkedIn? That’s the sophisticated lounge area. Each space has its own vibe and chat style. Nailing it means speaking the right language in the right room. Here, you’ll find the cheat sheets to make damn sure you’re the life of any party, no matter which room you step into.

Picture of a glitter ball in black and white. Join the social media party


I will preface this by saying that the information provided here, is geared towards new/growing entrepreneurs and not those with teams where they can ask them to “do” Pinterest for them. This also isn’t a personal list of things that I would do to be great on Pinterest or a list of things that you need to do based on my experience. This is just a list of resources I’ve gathered that are the most up-to-date that I can get. They may contain best practices, but just because I’ve shared them here isn’t an endorsement of their accuracy or reliability.

Screenshot of a Mac with Pinterest open in Safari. Social Media

Pinterest Official Sites

Personal note, Metricool* (who I love and post everything through) say they’re a Pinterest partner, but they’re not on the partner list on Pinterest. So I went through ALL of them (on the Pinterest Partner page) to see if I could switch to something. Now, if you have money to burn, pick any you like, or if your SM Scheduler is already on the list, then awesome, have at it. But, if you’re like many entrepreneurs and are bootstrapping, I would recommend getting Buffer for a single platform for either $6/month or $60/annual JUST for Pinterest (where “Paid plans have a 2,000 scheduled post cap per channel”). This means it’s not a drastic cost to add to your monthly or annual outgoings if you want to commit to Pinterest (compared to the others, where you have 100 pins a month for $19.99).

Pinterest Guides from others

Pinterest Templates and such

Pinterest WordPress Plugins

I don’t use WordPress plugins for Pinterest, so I can only go on recommendations, not my personal experience.

Website Management

Your website isn’t just a digital address; it’s your brand’s home. But like any home, it needs maintenance. Beyond creating content, there’s the ever-important task of backing it up, optimizing images for speed, and ensuring SEO is on point. Because let’s face it, what’s the use of a brilliant article if no one can find it on Google? Dive into tools, tips, and best practices to ensure your website isn’t just good-looking but also hard-working.

Image of a hand drawn website wireframe. Website Management

Notion for Content Management

Disclaimer: I’m a Notion Ambassador

Notion isn’t just another tool; for many, it’s the digital workspace. With capabilities like linking databases and cataloging URLs, it’s no wonder many entrepreneurs swear by it. But it’s not just about the features; it’s about how they can streamline your content processes. Whether it’s jotting down ideas or structuring entire campaigns, see how Notion can be more than a tool—a partner in your content journey.

Screenshot of a Notion space, showing Mission and vision

ClickUp for Content Management

Disclaimer: I’m a Verified ClickUp Ambassador, PowerUser, and Certified Expert

Tasks, docs, logs—ClickUp brings them all under one roof. As entrepreneurs, our minds are always buzzing. With ClickUp, you can set tasks, nest them, even keep a running log of updates. Think of it as your digital personal assistant, always ready, always organized. Dive into how ClickUp can transform not just how you manage content, but how you view it.

Screenshot of a calendar view in ClickUp

ClickUp 3.0 Resources